Sunday, April 24, 2011


On a list of 10 things I want to do in Korea, #2 is "pay off all debt outside student loans." And I will admit, I have a lot. Whether that be because I wasn't taught very well, I was an irresponsible twenty-something, or just simply doing what I had to to get through school is sort of irrelevant at this point (though a fashion design's fabric, sewing machines, art supplies, and 10 bridesmaid's dresses and showers, and a propensity for vehicles that need stuff, get expensive for a student).

A lot of factors added up in the end--Chicago's expensive, Rasmussen was overworking and underpaying, I bought a "newer, but dependable" car that turned out to need even more money, and my second job had to lay off some teachers. Regardless, when you find yourself with a master's degree, in the middle of the city, doing what you need to do to pay rent and your car payment, insurance, and produce all in the same month, shit gets bad. I can complain about our societal values, and priorities in terms of putting young Americans through college, or I can deal. After a prolonged "it's not fair" tantrum, I chose to deal. And along with many other waygooks, moved to Korea.

Many of us choose this route because it enables us to both do something we can be passionate (some of us like the teaching a lot) about, and still make enough money to live and pay off debt--something that seems impossible in the US. Most of us (I find) did this because working for the high-stress-low-reward mantra wasn't worth it. We leave our friends and family behind for money, lack of options, adventure, etc. Sometimes it doesn't seem worth it--missing out when someone who is close to you gets really sick, or dies, or gets married, or has their first baby...

But today. Today I paid off 2 credit cards I've had for over a decade. A DECADE. I danced around in my underwear this morning to some really terribly fun music and smiling from ear to ear.

Today, I got to feel proud of myself. That reminded me why.

*For those concerned about banking and transferring money (very meticulous to set up but super easy after) home, email me. I'm happy to help.


  1. I'm so proud of you!!!!! (and slightly jealous!!)

  2. Go girl's just the beginning.

  3. I hear ya, girl. I'm about to hit a milestone in paying off my own debt, but it's still a ways to go. Great job :)

  4. Congrats Mich;) Living there, anything is awesome!
